We are delighted to offer a beta of our upcoming Comic Life Magiq 1.0.3 update.
Comic Life Magiq update released
A free update for Comic Life Magiq is available for all users.
French Tutorials!
Débuter sur Mac have recently released brilliant tutorials on two of our applications; Comic Life Magiq and Skitch.
King Crimson Comics!
Comic Life is great for sharing those funny little moments from school, in the office, or while on worldwide progressive-rock-legends tours.
Comic Life Magiq 1.0.2c update released
A free update for Comic Life Magiq is available for all users.
Comic Touch released for iPhone / iPod Touch
Ever wished you had the fun of Comic Life handy at all times? Ever been out at a party, family gathering or on public transport and wished you could add your ‘comic touch’ to a photo? Now you can!
‘Chocolate & Chat: Writing for Teens and Young Adults’ tour!
plasq is proud to announce that we are sponsoring authors James McCann and kc dyer on their ‘Chocolate & Chat: Writing for Teens and Young Adults’ tour.
Comic Life Magiq Limited Time Pricing Finishes June 8th!
This is your last chance to pickup Comic Life Magiq at the introductory pricing!
Comic Life Magiq 1.0.1 update released
A free update for Comic Life Magiq is available for all users!
Brief outage of plasq.com
You may have tried to reach plasq.com on your browser recently (May 29th, GMT) — and got nothing! Sorry!
Comic Life Magiq released!
We’re all super proud to announce something very special: Comic Life Magiq – our brand new addition to the Comic Life family.
Comic Life packs a lot of ‘Brawn’!
Cranium Comics has recently launched their first four color comic, Brawn #1.
Doozla 1.1 released
Roll up! Roll up! A Doozla update has been released.
Comic Life for Windows 1.3.5 update
An update for Comic Life for Windows is now out!
pluzzle 1.1 update
pluzzle has changed its spots so it can now run smoothly on OS X Leopard!