“Raising attainment through entertainment and learning through laughter.”
Today we are joined by Barrie McDermid, an English teacher, exam marker, musician, husband, father and Director of The Punctuation Show!
Hi Barrie, thanks for your time! Please tell us about The Punctuation Show!
The Punctuation Show is all about ‘raising attainment through entertainment’ and ‘learning through laughter’. I visit schools all over the UK to perform shows to engage young people in literacy. Part of what I do entails the creation of fun classroom resources.
And you use Comic Life to create these classroom resources?
I’m a ‘one-man-band’ and I need creative tools to make the creation of great resources both easy and fast. That’s the reason I use Comic Life by plasq.
Many years ago (back in the days of Comic Life v.1), I was teaching Media Studies and found Comic Life a ‘God-send’. Many of the pupils who couldn’t get to grips with Adobe CS were able to produce results in record time with plasq software. This showed in their grades as well.
What I love is that when you start to dig into how powerful the programme really is, you can achieve really professional results. I can create a set of posters in record-quick time to send to my mailing list subscribers and that saves them so much time in creating classroom displays.
The crowning achievement I’ve managed with this software gets right back to what the software was created for – making comics.

And you’ve made a collection of these available for sale on your website, thepunctuationshow.com?
My Grammar Aquarium Comic Collection is a set of comics that covers how to use over 50 grammatical terms (all relevant to the UK national curriculum). The characters feature in my Grammar Show and have proved popular with all age groups. Comic Life made the realisation of the comic collection a reality and I’m sure you’ll agree they look great. You can check them out here, where they’re on a ‘no brainer’ offer to mark my ten years in business.
Fantastic! The resources look amazing! Any final words?
I’d recommend Comic Life to anyone – whether they think they need it or not.
Thank you very much!
Be sure to check out the “Celebrating 10 Years in Business!” sale and pick up the “My Grammar Aquarium Comic Collection” made using Comic Life for only £2.00+VAT – a saving of £8.00! 48 hours only – finishes 11th August, 2019.

There are also some free resources available from The Punctuation Show website – so be sure to grab those as well! Example above.