plasq today introduced Comic Life for iPad, the latest edition of its award winning software for creating, reading and sharing digital photo comics.
CL2 TUAW review
“Smile Inducing” Comic Life 2, TUAW Review
ISTE Board of Directors Member uses Comic Life 2
The Daring Librarian uses Comic Life 2
Newsletter: March 2011
Your friends at plasq want to tell you about the cool things we’ve been working on lately. Check out the newsletter here.
Comic Life 2.0.3 for Mac Released
Comic Life 2.0.3 for Mac update has been released and is now available for download.
Comic Life 1.5.5 for Mac Released
A Comic Life for Mac 1.5.5 update has been released and is now available for download.
Comic Life 2.0.2 for Mac Released
Comic Life 2.0.2 for Mac update has been released and is now available for download.
Comic Life 2.0.1 for Mac Released
A Comic Life 2.0.1 for Mac update has been released and is now available for download.
Comic Life 2.0 for Mac Released!
Comic Life has had a birthday and turned 2.0! This latest version
Doozla 1.2 for Mac released!
A Doozla for Mac 1.2 major update has been released! This exciting release offers a new autosave ‘My Doozles’ area and export capabilities.
Comic Life 1.5.4 for Mac Released
A Comic Life for Mac 1.5.4 update has been released and is now available for download. 2.0 live!
It all looks a little bit different… doesn’t it? If not, then you are probably new – so, welcome!
Comic Life 1.5.3 for Mac Released
A Comic Life for Mac 1.5.3 update has been released and is now available for download.
Skitch leaves plasq
The great screen capture, annotation and sharing service has all grownup, left the plasq stables and become its own fully fledged company.
Doozla 1.2 beta
We are super excited to announce that Doozla is having a birthday and is about to turn 1.2!