Where it’s been selected as one of the Top Ten iPhone Apps in the Photography category within Incredible iPhone Apps For Dummies!
sqreensavers OS X 10.6 update
sqreensavers for Mac 1.1 update is now available for download.
Comic Life 1.5.2 for Mac is out!
Comic Life for Mac 1.5.2 update is now available for download.
This latest free update restores OS X 10.4 Tiger compatibility that broke with the recently released 1.5.1 update.
Comic Life 1.5.1 OS X 10.4 Tiger users
An issue has occurred with Comic Life 1.5.1 for users running OS X 10.4 Tiger where dragging images or loading documents with images is crashing the application.
Comic Life 1.5.1 for Mac updated!
A Comic Life for Mac 1.5.1 update is now available for download.
This latest free update has Snow Leopard compatibility fixes and several other minor improvements.
Comic Life Magiq 1.1 for Mac!
A Comic Life Magiq for Mac 1.1 update has now been released.
This free 1.1 upate adds the much-requested ability to import Comic Life .comicdoc files.
Comic Life Magiq 1.0.5: Snow Leopard fixes
Comic Life Magiq for Mac has been recently updated to version 1.0.5.
This update has Snow Leopard compatibility fixes.
Snow Leopard plasq App Compatibility *Update*
Comic Life 1.5, Doozla 1.1.2 and Comic Life Magiq 1.0.5 are all now Snow Leopard Compatible.
Snow Leopard plasq App Compatibility
Both Comic Life 1.5 and Doozla 1.1.2 are Snow Leopard Compatible.
Comic Life Magiq 1.0.4 is currently not Snow Leopard Compatible – but an update will be released soon.
Pharos IV: Assault 1.1 Update Released
Not that long ago, in a galaxy not that far away, we released an update to Pharos IV: Assault!
This 1.1 updates unleashes computer assisted torpedo targeting for greater accuracy, resumption from highest level attained – no more starting over from level 1 – and fixed the stutter issue that affected iPhone 3.0 users.
Comic Touch 1.2.2 Released
This latest update for Comic Touch (1.2.2) (direct link to App Store) addresses several issues that popped up with the release of the latest iPhone 3.0 update.
Attention Pharos IV: Assault iPhone 3.0 users
We are currently working on a fix for the stutter issue in Pharos IV: Assault. As a work-around, you can set the Music to OFF in the Options in Pharos IV (it’s OK to use iPod music) to solve the 1s pause problems on 3.0 (if you are using a 3G iPhone).
Comic Life 1.5 for Mac officially released!
This latest free update has several exciting new features including the eagerly awaited easy-to-make Single Panel comic creations, ability to import other Comic Life documents, and the option of having referenced images to speed up open and save time.
Comic Life 1.5 for Mac Beta available now!
We are excited to release a beta of Comic Life 1.5 for all Mac users to download and run through its paces before we officially release it.
Comic Life Magiq 1.0.4 released for Mac
This is a small but important update that all Comic Life Magiq users should update to immediately. It addresses a change in Mac OS X 10.5 relating to temporary files that was causing a loss of images within comic documents being edited over a number of days.