We recently learned about the fantastic educational resources created by Dale Sidebottom over at BreakAppz. The wonderful news is that is was all created with the help of Comic Life! Dale has been sharing his amazing resources on Twitter, Facebook and the BreakAppz website. BreakAppz often gives away eBooks so keep an eye out on Facebook … and especially at the end of this blog 🙂
- From the eBook: Breathing Activities and Exercises for Children, which contains fourteen breathing activities designed to help relax students or are in need of refocusing before starting their next learning activity.
We reached out to Dale Sidebottom, to ask him about his use of Comic Life:
I use Comic Life to create all my resources for one simple reason, it’s the best. Comic Life on my computer or iPad is the most amazing app I own. I can create resources in under 5 minutes which means I can be extremely productive.
Why did you decide to use Comic Life as your program of choice to create your educational resources, including your eBooks?
I used to use a program called Pages on my Mac computer. This is still a fantastic program, but it takes me a lot longer to create resources. And the resources do not look near as good as the ones I have created using Comic Life.

From the eBook: Icebreakers and Team Building Activities. Amazing resource designed using Comic Life. This eBook contains 64 icebreaker and team building activities that are must have activities for all teachers.
Your resources certainly look fantastic! Will you continue to use Comic Life in the future?
Definitely. I use Comic Life for everything now. Class signs, logos, ebook covers, flyers posters, the list goes on. I love Comic Life.
I use it for a lot of different things. Mainly for resources such as the following. There is over 200 free Comic Life PDF’s to download at this link for teacher’s –http://breakappz.com/about-2/
I also use Comic Life to create all of my new eBooks, here is a list of them – http://breakappz.com/ebooks-2/
You have certainly put Comic Life to great use! Amazing results. The eBooks are brilliant and have so many ideas for teachers!
One of my best new eBooks that I have created with Comic Life – is called “Top Five Education Breaks”. It displays the amazing work that can be created with Comic Life.
Thank you for taking the time to for this mini-interview! Dale has been kind enough to give away a free copy of “Top Five Education Breaks” to the readers of this blog! Click here to download your own copy (27MB).

This book contains over one hundred top quality resources, that have been designed to help teachers plan lessons for students of all ages. Download here. (27MB)