Not Your Momma’s Book Report

book_report_coverWe all know the good ole book report format. You read the book, you answer some questions and badda-bing-badda-boom you get a big check mark. It’s straightforward, it works, but why does the book report have to look the same today as it did when it first appeared on the syllabus? It doesn’t!

Thanks to the Twittersphere we’ve seen the promised land of “book reports”, a guided lesson to take students through a book cover to cover without them even realizing all of the brilliant work they’re doing.

Book Report TemplateThis promised land comes in the form of a Comic Book Report! Mr.Peebles is teaching his 4th grade class Lynda Mulally Hunt’s novel, Fish In A Tree. Instead of a standard book report or quiz he designed a whole Comic Life template for his students to use when assessing the novel. The comic template guides students through the book, asking questions and pointing out passages to which they respond with drawings, photos or text. You can download the Comic Life file and see for yourself!

I hope this inspires some more comic book reports!

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