Kid Friendly National Standards Posters

This is a terrific poster series for P.E. created using Comic Life by Kevin Tiller. Kevin is the author of a couple of books, including “Phys. Ed. Fun & Fitness” which was created entirely using Comic Life for iOS on his iPad!


Here is Kevin to explain the concept of the Kid Friendly National Standards Posters, “First off, let me say that this was not my idea. Mike Graham from Illinois (a friend from Twitter) asked me if I would create these based on the national standards. I have to say, I love the way he broke down the wording and made it easy to understand. Mike was the author, Comic Life and myself were the illustrators. The coloring coincides with the colors used in the Grade Level Outcomes Document found from SHAPE America.”

Fantastic thanks for sharing with us, Kevin and Mike.

Kevin can be found on Twitter, and many other P.E. resources can be found on his excellent Phys.Ed.Review site.







The Kid Friendly National Standards Posters can be downloaded in a printable PDF for here.






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