Macworld Expo brought the exciting announcement that all new Intel iMac’s and MacBook Pro’s would come bundled with Comic Life. Cool huh!
Macword Expo
Just got into San Francisco from Australia. Nice city!
5 Stars from MacNN!
Comic Life picked up a 5 star review from MacNN. Happy about that!
Sims 2 Comic
Check out these great comics created from screenshots of Sims 2 and… guess? 🙂
Macworld Eddy award
Sweet! Comic Life won an Eddy award in the ‘Digital photo standouts’ section. Thanks Macworld and those who nominated us.
Congrats to the other winners!
BBC use Comic Life
BBC have a series of Comics created using Comic Life on their site. Check it out!
Podcast interview + 1.2
Ooh, that rhymes! 🙂
Tim Wilson, ‘The Savvy Technologist’, interviewed Rob and Cris about Comic Life, its use in the education world.
Take a gander
Our Gallery has been updated with heaps of new comics.
New logo, New beta
Just a quick one to let you know we have released a beta of Comic Life 1.2. Lots of fixes, enhancements and some yummy built in fonts. This will be a free update to all users.
Calling for questions
Apple Design Award!
w00t! Comic Life has won ‘The Best Product New to Mac OS X’ in this year’s Apple Design Awards.
Comic Life 1.1
Well 1.1 is out.. It brings 2 really cool new features. Image filtering utlizing Tiger’s CoreImage which are akin to Photoshop’s filters. This lets you make your photos look like comics and other fun stuff like night vision goggles.
Time for a bit of a wrap up…
Comic Life was shown on stage at WWDC by Scott Forstall at the Mac OS State of the Union session after Apple’s amazing announcement that they are switching to Intel CPU’s. Sweet!
Macworld: 4.5 Mice!
Comic Life just scored 4.5 mice from Macworld.
“an amazingly clever app” … “It’s one of the coolest products I’ve seen this year”
What people are saying about Comic Life..
“Every once in a while, a piece of software comes around that simply blows you away. Comic Life is that software. … plasq’s Comic Life is to images what Apple’s GarageBand is to music: extremely fun, easy to use, and jaw-droppingly inspirational.”
– Captkevman