Arts Award

Hello All! We have some great news to share. This July Comic Life is helping sponsor the Arts Award Conference in Yorkshire, England! Wondering what Arts Award is? Here’s a little information on the program from one of their program…

Book Summary

  Just a short post highlighting this great comic page from @missjillyteach. Her students put together comic pages summarizing John Green’s The Fault In Our Stars.

Biking For A Cause

Please allow me to introduce you to Frederick. Frederick Sarran is a student for a Master in Autism, a cyclist, a tech enthusiast, and he has a plan to wrap all of those things into one fundraising effort. Frederick works with…

Bloom's Taxonomy

A little while back we heard from the wonderful people over at AppsInClass about using Comic Life to reach all levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. John wrote a great post breaking down the possible uses of Comic Life. Check out the…


Someone posted in our comment bar and said, “that is the coolest idea ever.” Woot! That’s the kind of stuff that makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside. We like making cool software that people want to use. So, thank…

Art History Comics

Students use Comic Life to tell the stories of some of their favorite artists. These projects are a great way for students to demonstrate what information they’ve learned while researching while also integrating technology and literacy into an art course.…

Why Libraries Are Awesome

There are some incredible people out there that we might never get to meet. Thanks to the internet, however, we can cross paths with each other in moments of greatness. This, my friends, is one of those moments… Please allow…