
The Butterfly Lion

I’m not sure about you, but if I learn something in the context of a story I am much more likely to remember the details. Educators have accessed the incredible story telling power of Comic Life to engage students in…

World Cup 2014: Brazil!

Here at plasq we are all pretty excited about the FIFA World Cup. It’s crazy. The talk about code and user requests and site updates is paralleled with conversations about the games, what happened with that foul in the opening…

Athletics Resources

I am always surprised with how many Physical Education comics we see week in and week out. Though I guess I shouldn’t be because those are they are the most active teachers… get it? Most active. Heh. Aaaaanyway… Take a…

Scripting Comics In The Classroom

We’ve been having deep thoughts about script writing and education in our offices lately, and I wanted to reach out to our community with them.

Comic Life 3 received a major overhaul on several fronts, including the work flow process, which is what I want to discuss today. Here at plasq we do not pretend to be educators, but we have spent years listening and adapting our apps based on the suggestions and needs of the educators with which we have spoken. Team Superfly.comiclife SCRIPT EDITOR

Jigsaw Learning Resources: Cricket

Michaela Wilkinson – a PE Teacher, Netballer and Skier – recently posted a tweet that caught our eye! Tried @comiclife with the Jigsaw Learning concept for a Cricket lesson focussing on Fielding! #peerteaching ‏by @MWilkinsonPE We had to reach out to Michaela to find out…

Flipped Learning Mats

I’ll admit it… This is pilfered from someone else’s blog. Fortunately they don’t seem to mind the idea of shared learning. Thank you to the fantastic folks over at Fulston Manor School!  Enjoy! Flipped Learning Mats using Comic Life Ok,…

Interactive Story Telling

The craftiness of educators blows my mind sometimes. I mean, really, y’all are amazing.  In this post I’d like to highlight some of the super crafty action from the folks over at Davyhulme Primary School who have been creating some…

Book Report Project In Comic Life

I’ll admit that the post below is almost entirely lifted from an educational blog dedicated to ICT-ELT, which is geared toward incorporating visual and technological support into teaching. They’re all about adopting and adapting tools to use in the classroom,…