This is a terrific poster series for P.E. created using Comic Life by Kevin Tiller. Kevin is the author of a couple of books, including “Phys. Ed. Fun & Fitness” which was created entirely using Comic Life for iOS on…
5 Components of Fitness and Heart Rate Station
We recently received a wonderful email from P.E. teacher, Teresa Wheeler. Inside were 2 fantastic Comic Life posters Teresa had recently made; one about the 5 components of fitness, the other about a heart rate station. Below are the mentioned posters, along with…
A cross-curricular superhero story written in Exciting Sentences!
This is a fantastic Comic Life creation, put together over at Inspired Minds. Here is Mathew Sullivan, the person behind Inspired Minds, explaining the comic: Today we put the finishing touches on a class maths mystery story based on Captain Atomic, a…
Press Release: plasq Introduces Comic Life 3 for iPad and iPhone
plasq Introduces Comic Life 3 for iPad and iPhone September 23, 2014 in Photo and Video [] Charleston, South Carolina – plasq LLC today is proud to introduce Comic Life 3 for iOS, the latest edition of its award winning…
Comic Life 3 for iOS is HERE!
Script Editor! Got a story idea that you want to make into a comic book? Write it out in the script editor (iPad only) so you’re ready to take or find the photos you need to make the story…
Letter Comics Like A Pro!
Professionally design comics with Comic Life. Lora Innes, creator of The Dreamer Comic, letters her pages using Comic Life. Take a look at this video tutorial and see just how you can take your drawings from art to comic!
This tutorial was created with Comic Life 2. You can use the same tools shown here in Comic Life 3!
BreakAppz makes resources designed for teachers by teachers.
We recently learned about the fantastic educational resources created by Dale Sidebottom over at BreakAppz. The wonderful news is that is was all created with the help of Comic Life! Dale has been sharing his amazing resources on Twitter, Facebook and…
Everyday Objects Tell A Story
Cross The Alps In Style
27 Ways To Make This The Best Year Ever!
The incomparable Jennifer LaGarde put together a list to make this the best year ever. She designed a great poster from her list in Comic Life. She did a phenomenal job making use of all the different design options available in Comic Life. Check out those drop shadows and the custom style she created for the speech balloons. You can design a comic page like this too!
Everyone Has A First…
What was your Comic Life first?”…
Everyone has a first experience with Comic Life, but not everyone documents it so well. Mr. Collins of Mr. Collins Math Blog wrote a wonderful post about using Comic Life for iOS.
Comic Life Athletics Resource Cards by Event
Megan Bowe posted the following amazing Comic Life Athletics Resource Cards over at – and we just had to share them with you all! Please visit for downloadable copies of the Athletics Resource Cards that cover the following sports; Discus, High-Jump, Hurdles, Javelin, Long-Jump, Shot-Putt, and Sprinting.…
The Butterfly Lion
I’m not sure about you, but if I learn something in the context of a story I am much more likely to remember the details. Educators have accessed the incredible story telling power of Comic Life to engage students in…
World Cup 2014: Brazil!
Here at plasq we are all pretty excited about the FIFA World Cup. It’s crazy. The talk about code and user requests and site updates is paralleled with conversations about the games, what happened with that foul in the opening…