The show must go on! And it certainly has here in San Diego, my friends. ISTE 2012 is proving to be filled with awesome people and great ideas. I’ve met so many wonderful new educators from around the world: Taiwan,…
ISTE 2012
plasq and Comic Life are on the road again! Coming to you from lovely San Diego, CA for ISTE 2012, we are going to do a small post series of the conference day to day. Our first full day in…
Educating With Super Heroes
Hello everyone, please let me introduce you to Jessica White from Mt. View Elementary. Jessica created a great project for 4th and 5th grade technology camp students using Comic Life. The project is multi-phased and involves building blocks which help…
Of Music and Comics
Russ Corvey and Gino Faison, musical artist in the smooth jazz world, have come together to form a dynamic pair with interesting creations. They originally formed their group, C+F, based on their music, but they also have written and designed…
And The Winners Are…
We have our winners for the Teacher Appreciation Week drawing for Comic Life 2 or Comic Life for iPad coupons! Esa Holopainen Mychael Pryce Jason Brown Please send me an email at [email protected] letting me know if you want a…
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!!!!
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Teachers are AWESOME! and deserve to be appreciated everyday. To show our appreciation we’re giving away Comic Life 2 and Comic Life for iPad Coupons! To enter to win all you have to do is comment…
Kid Tech Day
Students and faculty of Edgar Middle School headed to Department of Education in Trenton, NJ for the sixth annual Kid Tech Day to showcase their Comic Life Graphic Biography project. Teachers use Comic Life to “engage students about the process of…
Comic Life for iPad 1.2.1 Released!
We have just released an update; Comic Life for iPad 1.2.1! It has been updated for Retina devices plus includes various other bug fixes.
Comic Life 2.2.3 for Windows Available!
Comic Life 2.2.3 for Windows update is now available! An improved registration process, improved install process, and many other general stability improvements and bug fixes make it into 2.2.3 …
Comic Life for iPad 1.2.2 Released!
We have just released an update; Comic Life for iPad 1.2.2! It has improved WebDAV support, In Tray transfer performance has increased and other fixes and stability improvements.
Teaching Students to Navigate a Digital World
Michele McKeone, Autistic Support Educator of South Philadelphia High School, knows the importance of teaching students how to work in a world of computers and digital communication. Along with teaching the core subjects of the curriculum she incorporates important life skills,…
Tips From The Pros at Cranium Comics
Comic Life is a great app to bring all of your original ideas and drawings together into a finished product, but not everyone is sure where to get started. Fortunately you’ve come to the right place, because we’ve got just…
Comic Life 2.2.2 for Windows Officially Released
Comic Life 2.2.2 for Windows update is now available!
New Comic Life Updates!
This is big news everybody! The most recent updates to both Comic Life 2 and Comic Life for iPad have lead to some very cool new features. This Comic Life 2 update isn’t just any update: Comic Life 2 is available…
Comic Life 2.2.1 for Mac & Windows Officially Released
Comic Life 2.2.1 for Mac & Windows update is now available!