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plasq releases Comic Touch 2

Portland, OR–December 19th–plasq® today released Comic Touch 2, a creative app for turning photos into fun comic covers and panels. Comic Touch users can choose between 24 customizable designer templates…

Super Hero In A Snap

…pulled back behind you, so you look like you’re really moving. Have fun! We’d love to see your shots! Feel free to send ’em in to us at ….

Comic Life Athletics Resource Cards by Event

Megan Bowe posted the following amazing Comic Life Athletics Resource Cards over at – and we just had to share them with you all! Please visit for downloadable…

The Science of Food

Year 8 students at Clevdon create a report on food testing using Comic Life for iPad. Not a bad way to take an exam. Thanks to Gavin Smart for posting….

Around the World

We just had a note from India! Comic Life users Michael and Martina are leaving Austria and traveling around the world for 15 months! They’ve decided to chronicle their journey…

Features Galore!

…photo filter combinations! What’s a comic without comic art? Choose from one of 20 killer filters to add that perfect look to your image. Add a little KA-BLAM! Choose from…

Arts Award

…promoted the use of Comic Life to the advisers who support the young people to achieve their Arts Award. We do this because we feel that Comic Life really brings…

Children's Vampire Hunting Brigade

…that will be using Comic Life for the lettering. The story line of their comic series is wonderfully spine tingling – it has a component of true horror story to…

Global Collaboration

I love to see educators embracing available technology with creative projects. We’ve seen some incredible ideas coming from @PEGeeks, in particular a post by Jon Tait about a recent transatlantic…

Take a gander

…to you all that Comic Life is addictive and seriously disrupts your ‘Real-workâ„¢’ productivity. Sorry about that 😉 Bob LeVitus ‘Dr Mac’ loves Comic Life. See his review in The…

It's A Breakthrough

…years in my own business, and I use Comic Life all the time. (I’ve already used it today on two current projects.) We have a lot of educational clients.” Comic…

Fast and Easy Newsletters

While the high school in this comic is real (it’s my alma mater) the newsletter shown here is not. I created this comic as an example of how Comic Life…

Travel by Scooter

…almost. He’s not actually wearing a scarf… Our friend Andres sent us a few comic pages on his travels. Not only is it a handy dandy comic on how to…