Hey, girl… You know what kind of dates I like? Updates. So grab your 3.1.5 update for Comic Life on iOS and let’s go take some pictures. What’s New in Version 3.1.5 * Fixed a crash when rotating a device while…
This Week In Comic Life
Not Your Momma’s Book Report
We all know the good ole book report format. You read the book, you answer some questions and badda-bing-badda-boom you get a big check mark. It’s straightforward, it works, but why does the book report have to look the same…
Comic Life 3.1.4 for iOS is available
Update to Comic Life 3 for iOS! Version 3.1.4 is out now. Download today for smooth sailing ahead!
Comic Life 3.1.3 for iOS is available
Here’s an update for you! In Comic Life 3.1.3 we eliminated another crash, and improved how undo works on iPhone and with scripts on iPad. Your download is now available on the App Store.
Comic Life 3.1.2 Available for iOS
Hello there! It seems that some sneaky crashes in Comic Life for iOS 3.1.1. We shook those out with version 3.1.2. Sorry about that! Grab version 3.1.2 today from the App Store. The plasq Team
Comic Life 3.1.1 for Mac, Windows & iOS Now Available!
Comic Life 3.1.1 for Mac & Windows update is now available. This 3.1.1 update brings additional bug fixes and stability improvements.
LEGO + Comic Life = The Adventures of Gar!
Jason F. Talbert recently contacted us to let us know he has being using Comic Life 3 for iOS to bring his webcomic, The Adventures of Gar to life. We asked Jason if he could let us know more about…
Detective E, iPhone game, made using Comic Life!
Detective E is a free iOS App that follows the diaries of Detective Efthimis. In his latest case, The Stolen Diamond, you are asked to help Detective Efthimis find who stole the diamond ring inside the church of Santa Maria in…
Comic Life 3.1 for Mac & Windows Now Available!
Comic Life 3.1 for Mac & Windows update is now available. On the Mac side, this 3.1 update brings support for the new ‘Photos‘ app. Along with various bugfixes and stability improvements, the update also brings the following improvements:
Comic Life Bundle Clarification
Hello All! In our Spring Newsletter we let everyone know about our new Upgrade Bundle for Comic Life 3 for iOS. It turns out that there are some questions about the Upgrade Bundle and pricing that we need to address. First off, we…
Comic Life in Canadian Teacher Magazine article
Comic Life is featured in a wonderful print article in the current April/May Canadian Teacher Magazine by Renée Jordan, titled “Beyond Paper and Pencil”. Renée Jordan, is a certified teacher from The Greater Victoria School District No. 61 in Victoria…
Library Grade Level Learning Targets
Christina Brennan, who describes herself as an “education, library, research, and technology enthusiast” has created these eye-catching grade level learning targets for use in the Library with the help of Comic Life!
Want to sign up for a daring mission?
Want to sign up for a daring mission? plasq needs you…
We’re in exciting times here at plasq, and we want you to be a part of it! Some of you may know that we’ve been testing out our new app, and we want to invite more comic artists to Beta Test! You can get the inside scoop on what we’re working on here and have a hand in how the app turns out.
Comic Life and the new OS X 10.10.3 Photos app.
Does Comic Life 3 work with the new OS X 10.10.3 Photos app? Yes! Comic Life 3.1 added support for the new “Photos” app.